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Introducing drumBEAT Marketing UK Properly

It seems like an appropriate time to introduce ourselves and our business more fully. We have been in operation for a modest nine months and in that time we have had what can only be described as surprising success. It is surprising in so much as we have developed a strong base in a short space of time and have the privilege of working with some diverse and extraordinary clients. During this time we have worked closely with drumBEAT Marketing in Houston, Texas with the aim of bringing the drumBEAT brand to the UK and Europe. As such we are now drumBEAT Marketing UK the European arm of drumBEAT Marketing. The team at drumBEAT Marketing work with a large number of well-known brands in the US and they’re a very experienced team headed up by Robert Fisher (check him out on Moz here). If you want to find out more about drumBEAT have a look at our US site here – https://www.drumbeatmarketing.net.

More About Us

Our intertwined background of in-house and agency digital marketing has created an experienced and knowledgeable foundation, core to which are the strands of PPC and SEO. These inform the other strands of digital marketing ensuring they have maximum impact such as the correlation between:

  • Content marketing and keyword research
  • Email campaigns and conversion tracking
  • Joint Google Analytics and PPC analytics monitoring
  • Blogging and social sharing plugins, opt-in email forms, product placement, internal/external links

The perfect digital marketing strategy has to be two things:

  • A combination of many parts working together to hit KPIs and ensure ROI
  • Transparent and Adaptable

The first we tend to take for granted but there is no point to a digital marketing strategy that is not working and too many companies fail to pull the plug on an approach soon enough. There are plenty of businesses engaging in social media daily without any notion of how effective it is. Does it convert the labour invested into it into sales? If not then a new social media campaign is required. Does your site architecture tell Google exactly where your key pages are located and link internal pages in a cohesive fashion? Your site navigation in terms of user experience from your home page through to basket is a massive factor to ROI. Is yours as strong as it can be.

Each site will have its individual requirements. One thing that unifies them all is the need for transparency and adaptability. That is at the core of our business model, both myself and Chris work in a way that is easy to follow and we take time to explain what we spend our time doing so you know its importance. SEOs who do not disclose their work flow are either using spammy tactics or trying to create mystery where there is no need for any.

Campaigns also need to be adaptable because fresh ideas and different digital marketing strands keep it relevant and one step ahead of your competitors. The world of SEO alone changes on a monthly basis, with Google algorithm updates and tweaks to on-page best practice, not to mention PPC. Google Adwords is updated on an almost weekly basis. Email marketing at one stage in history didn’t even exist, now your mailbox is forever full with newsletters you have probably forgotten you subscribed to.

drumBEAT Marketing UK is a culmination of all the experience Chris and I have gleaned working on various client projects and we decided we wanted to do things our way:

  • Establish a strong rapport with clients
  • Be transparent about each aspect of the digital marketing campaign
  • Ensure that what clients pay for is exactly what is delivered
  • Increase organic traffic to sites and maintain that growth
  • Offer a realistic and cost effective service

Crucial to the company’s success are our combined backgrounds in SEO, PPC and web development. We also use specialists in their fields to deliver on content, social media and email marketing when required although we have both delivered these to a high standard as part of our previous roles. When looking for an SEO, PPC or digital marketing company it is so important to feel as though you know exactly what the provider is offering because campaigns are only successful when the team delivering them have a large array of skills that support and inform each other.

We are passionate about what we do. I live and breathe SEO, not because it is a job I was good at but because it was something that I wanted to spend my days doing. Chris is exactly the same when it comes to web development and PPC. Yes that does make us utter geeks but who else would you want at the heart of your digital marketing campaign?

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