The Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing campaigns are where businesses pay affiliates (or an affiliate network) a commission for sending them website visitors, leads or customers. Affiliate marketing campaigns continue to grow in popularity. In 2017, the UK saw £1.578 billion spent on affiliate marketing, with it having no signs of slowing down in 2018. […]

Facebook Privacy 101: What You Need to Know

With the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook users across the globe are now questioning exactly how their data is being stored, gathered and used. Fortunately, Facebook is equipped with various privacy levels, blocking abilities and data-gathering settings. However, you may be wondering where to start making sense of the dizzying array of privacy options offered […]

Top 5 Tips for Growing Twitter Followers

With over 300 million active Twitter users, standing out in the crowd isn’t easy — especially if you’re just repeating the same Twitter patterns day in and day out. So, the team at drumBEAT have compiled our top 5 tips on growing your Twitter followers! Read on to find out how. Tweet Multiple Times Per […]

Tips for Making the Most out of your Social Media Campaigns

Social Media has hugely changed the way that companies can communicate with their customers. It has become an essential two-way conversation that allows companies to interact with their audience and delve deep into customer care. But all of this is useless if your social media campaigns aren’t living up to your customer’s expectations and needs. […]

The Future of Voice Marketing

Voice-enabled technology has grown massively over the last couple of years and there’s no sign of it slowing down. So with consumers jumping onto the smart speaker bandwagon, it’s important that brands start to think about how they can introduce this fast-growing technology into their digital marketing campaigns. A huge 9% of UK households owned […]

What is Influencer Marketing and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

What is influencer marketing? Maybe you’ve heard about influencer marketing but you’re not quite sure what it is and whether or not it’s something that you should be incorporating into your digital marketing strategy? To put it simply, influencer marketing is when a brand uses a well-known figure, such as a celebrity, to promote their […]

drumBEAT’s New Retford Hub

Following recent successes, drumBEAT Marketing UK are expanding their offices into the Retford Enterprise Centre. The digital marketing agency are excited to grow and develop the business within the North Notts region, as their new office will be based at The Retford Enterprise Centre. drumBEAT Marketing UK currently have offices in the heart of Gainsborough […]

5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2018.

Digital Marketing is rapidly evolving, with the growing sophistication of artificial intelligence in chatbots, along with a growing consumption of video content, the coming years will be interesting to swatch. However, what does 2018 have in store for digital marketers? Below we have compiled our top 5 trends to watch in 2018.

Create the Perfect Instagram Business Profile for Your Brand

Are you ready to refresh your Instagram feed? Or perhaps you don’t have one yet and would like to start! With over 15 million business profiles worldwide, people come to Instagram to be inspired and discover new things they care about, which luckily for you includes content from brands and businesses. Instagram has become a […]

Social Media – How to Measure My Success?

It’s no secret that using social media channels to promote your business is a marketing strategy that more and more people are using. However, how can you determine whether a social media strategy is proving beneficial to your business? How do you know if the time and money that you’re spending on social media is […]

Why we Love Volvo’s Interception Campaign

social media icons

On February 1st 2015, the day of the Super Bowl, an interception was set to happen. The Volvo Interception. On the biggest marketing day of the year in America, Volvo decided not to pay millions for a commercial, but to think outside of the box. Volvo proposed that whenever ANY car commercial aired throughout the […]