3 Words for 2016
The three words I have chosen to start this year are service, results and reflection. I am not writing this blog post on behalf of myself but the drumBEAT team as a whole – we don’t consider ourselves a new business over a year down the line we do know there’s always more to learn […]
New Year New Blog!
Hello and Welcome to our New Blog. Firstly all of the team at DrumBEAT Marketing UK would like to wish you a Happy New Year and hope that you had an amazing holiday (which seems like a distance memory to some!) As a marketing agency that works with a number of clients on their own […]
drumBEAT at: LEP Business Live
drumBEAT Marketing UK is only 11 months old and we’re at that stage where we’re getting ourselves out there and showing our faces. LEP Business Live was our first business event and it’s safe to say it was an overall success! Although it was slightly quieter than we were expecting we made some great connections, […]
drumBEAT Marketing UK become Google Partner
We are pleased to announce that drumBEAT Marketing UK have officially become a Google Partner. We have been working hard to make sure that we met all the criteria in order to be able to gain the partner status. This means that we have run all of our clients’ accounts to meet the best practices laid […]
Introducing drumBEAT Marketing UK Properly
It seems like an appropriate time to introduce ourselves and our business more fully. We have been in operation for a modest nine months and in that time we have had what can only be described as surprising success. It is surprising in so much as we have developed a strong base in a short […]
Are you ready for Mobilegeddon?
Googles new mobile update will start rolling out from the 21st of April and is set to have huge effects on how the search results from mobile devices. To give a brief summary Google will demote pages that are not seen as mobile friendly This is purely for mobile devices, searches on tablets isn’t effected […]
drumBEAT UKs trip to BrightonSEO
We have just got back from an amazing day at the infamous BrightonSEO, a day jammed full by some of the best speakers in digital marketing. Covering 4 sessions with 3-4 talkers we heard a range of talks ranging from LocalSEO to the mobile changes coming from Google and much more aside! Lot of information […]
Matt meets Roger the MozBot
As you may be aware, Matt holds a place amongst the SEO as part of the top 50 in the Moz community due to years of work helping people in the community. Today he recieved some goodies from Moz in the post which now hold a prime place in the office
drumBEAT UK Moves into it’s new office
drumBEAT UKs First Office Big day as we get the keys for the office at the plough, after a number of hours putting together furniture (a lot more hours than we care to admit) we are all settled in and back to work!