eCommerce SEO: Strategies to Drive Sales and Increase Conversions

eCommerce SEO: Strategies to Drive Sales and Increase Conversions

When it comes to eCommerce SEO, it’s simple, right? Just optimise your product pages and then organic traffic will come in and that traffic turns into sales. Wrong. The truth is that eCommerce SEO isn’t quite as simple as optimising your product pages and waiting for the sales to come in (annoyingly) Instead, you need […]

Harnessing User-Generated Content on Social Media: Building Authenticity and Trust

Harnessing User-Generated Content on Social Media: Building Authenticity and Trust

User-generated content (UGC) is integral to any successful social media strategy. Why, you ask? Well, UGC is essentially free (which we love) but more importantly, it’s authentic. Okay, So, What Is User Generated Content? User-generated content (UGC) is material created and shared by your audience. UGC is content generated by real users who have experienced […]

The Benefits of Combining Different Digital Marketing Strategies

The Benefits of Combining Different Digital Marketing Strategies

Are you looking for ways to increase your online visibility and success? Then, you should consider the benefits of combining different digital marketing strategies. Integrated marketing is a powerful tool that can help maximise your reach, giving you the best opportunity to get noticed. With the right combination of techniques from a professional marketing agency, […]

Maximising Your Email Marketing: Six Best Practices for Effective Email Campaigns

Maximising Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for every business. It allows you to provide valuable content directly to your customers, build relationships and stay front of mind. But connecting with customers through email isn’t as straightforward as sending out some marketing emails (unfortunately) To make sure your campaigns are successful, there are certain practices that […]

The Power of Storytelling in Marketing: How to Tell Compelling Stories that Sell

The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

Storytelling is an art that has been used for centuries to captivate audiences and convey ideas. In today’s marketing world, storytelling has become an essential part of any marketing strategy. It allows brands to engage with their audience, create an emotional connection, and leave a lasting impression. In this blog, we will explore the power […]

The Importance Of A Structured Marketing Campaign For 2023 (And Where To Start)

Importance Of A Structured Marketing Campaign

In today’s business landscape, it’s more important than ever to have a structured marketing campaign that can take your business to the next level. With so much competition out there, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd without a well-defined strategy. Fortunately, we’ve put together a helpful guide that outlines the importance […]

Christmas Marketing Campaigns That Need To Be Spoken About Again

Christmas Marketing Campaigns

It’s one of the most wonderful times of the year (after Black Friday, obviously) and that can only mean one thing, Christmas 🎄 But when it comes to Christmas campaigns, we don’t want to fall into the same trap as everyone else and talk about the new campaigns, but instead, bring you 5 minutes of […]

Our Analysis So Far Of Google Analytics 4 (An In-Depth Guide)

Universal Analytics To Google Analytics 4

As of July 2023, Universal Analytics (UA) will be switched off, and replaced with Google Analytics 4. To many, if not every marketer out there, this is a drastic change. But it is a necessary one and the new features of GA4 offer the prospect of more powerful and valuable analytics than ever before. To […]

The Importance Of Having An SEO Strategy

Importance Of An SEO Strategy

As a business owner, you may be wondering why you need an SEO strategy. After all, can’t you just put up a website and wait for the traffic to come rolling in? Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work that way. In order for your website to be successful, you need to have a solid plan in […]

How does TikTok’s Algorithm work in 2022?

TikTok has seen a boom in popularity over the last few years! The platform has become the perfect space for marketing a business… and when done properly, it’s pretty easy to become an expert! Now, I will let you into a little secret… Beginning to understand TikTok’s algorithm is the easiest way to become that […]

The Ultimate Content Marketing Checklist (2022)

Content Marketing Checklist Featured Image

Are you looking to take your content marketing strategy up a notch in 2022? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog, we will provide you with our ultimate checklist of the best practices for content writing in digital marketing. We’ll cover everything from keyword research to content promotion, and everything in between. So whether […]