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Content Marketing for Small Businesses

This article discusses ways in which small businesses can implement an effective content strategy and achieve high impact results, but keep in place a mindful budget.

Gone are the days when you need a big budget for marketing your business. Thanks to the digital era and the rise of technology, there are now lots of ways to implement and effective content marketing strategy without plunging into bankruptcy. Below we list some budget friendly ways to start, maintain a content marketing strategy.

  1. Create a Blog.

It is important that readers can find your blog easily from your company homepage. A button along the top navigation menu usually works well. If you’re looking to start a blog and need a low-cost way to build one, check out wordpress.com as it’s one of the easiest and most versatile content management systems around.

Of course, the main benefit of using your blog to kick-start your content marketing is that it costs next to nothing but time. A basic blog can be designed in a matter of seconds. If you wanted a more detailed and specific design, digital marketing companies like DrumBeat Marketing UK can design one for you.

  1. Decide on Content.

The next thing you have to think about after you make a blog, is what to put on it. Many bigger companies naturally have bigger budgets and can afford to hire a copy writer or freelance bloggers. However, there’s no reason why you can’t write the blogs yourself.

After all, you are the business owner, which usually means you’re an expert on the business at hand.

A general rule of thumb for good content marketing is to post once per week, or if that’s too much for you at first, try blogging just once a month. The topic can be on anything relevant to your business, but make sure you include key SEO terms that you want to be ranked on Google for. This should result in more traffic to your website month on month.

As you get more comfortable with your blog, why not invite some guest bloggers who could be members of staff or other industry experts you know! This will keep your readers and customers engaged and interested due to the different opinions, topics and styles of writing being presented.

  1. Re-purpose Your Content

Once you have a blog written, the next thing you need to think about is repurposing your content. For example, you will need to repost the blogs across your multiple social media channels. Get family, friends and staff members to do so.

If your blog is advice on something physical, or a certain product – why not turn your blog into a Youtube video? People love to see how something is used or modelled in real life. This is a free way of alternatively engaging your audience when you already have a good content idea.

  1. Post Scheduling.

Last, but not least, once you get into the hang of writing and posting your blogs, ideally you should start thinking of what you post and when.

Think about:

  • Important dates within your company > deadlines, celebrations.
  • Relevant dates for your industry > any key conference or important events.
  • Relevant dates for your customers > sale deadlines.
  • Holidays and Observance dates > Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter.

Recognising these key dates ahead of time allows your team to ensure they give themselves enough time to put the content together. Using a content schedule/calendar should prevent a last-minute dash to create useful and engaging content.

This also involves minimal costs for your budget, but produces big impact as it can help your brand look fresh, organised and thoughtful. Timely content is also more likely to be shared by others across social media.

Overall, these are just a few tips when it comes to ‘content marketing’ for your business. Once you feel more comfortable publishing your content, there is a whole range of opportunity out there for your business with regards to types of content marketing.  E.g – memes, infographics, videos, guides, product reviews, how-to’s, case studies, podcasts, interviews and original research and data.

With content marketing, you can do much of it yourself, but it never hurts to ask experts for strategy advice to help you get you started. If you would like drumBEAT Marketing UK to help, please call us on 01427 808870 or visit https://www.drumbeatmarketing.co.uk/

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