Our Blog

New Year New Blog!

Hello and Welcome to our New Blog.

Firstly all of the team at DrumBEAT Marketing UK would like to wish you a Happy New Year and hope that you had an amazing holiday (which seems like a distance memory to some!)

As a marketing agency that works with a number of clients on their own sites, blogs and social media it is often easy to forget to focus on our own. One of our companies New Year’s Resolutions is to focus on our own website and as part of this officially launch our blog and make it a valuable information resource for all things in Digital Marketing.

This is the first post of the new blog and so we wanted to take the opportunity to show you some of the areas we plan on focusing on. We want to make sure there is a variety of articles to suit all tastes and levels. From new business owners wanting to take their first steps into Digital Marketing to the seasoned Marketing Executive wanting to learn more before making a key decision, we plan on having something here for you.

As part of this blog we plan on updating the content weekly and all of our team will be taking part. Myself and Matt the company directors will be posting on a number of areas across digital marketing and focusing on how to apply the theory to real life businesses. A lot of information online tells you about the subject but as part of being transparent in all we do we want to give you real life examples of how this actually works.

We will also have the team posting on the areas important to them such as social media for business beginners, how to use WordPress for the non-technical to our apprentices experiences starting work for the first time. We have a lot of ground to cover and want to give everyone a reason to come back. If there is something you wanted to read about don’t be shy get in touch. Feedback is always welcome and what would be useful for you will surely be useful for someone else and something we can think about writing about.

If you want to find out more about what we are posting please sign up on the short form on the left and we will update you when new blogs are posted.

Well that is pretty much all for this first post, the aim being to show you that we have great things planned for this blog so keep your eye out for new and upcoming posts.

Kindest Regards

Chris Allbones


drumBEAT Marketing UK

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